I’ve been meaning to learn how to make 3D felt for years, this inspiring tutorial on the blog Homework got me very enthusiastic and excited to try it out.
The red slippers are the first ones I did. I made the leg bit a little too narrow (ie I couldn’t get my foot in), so they ended up with the U shape at the front. Which I now quite like! They are very snug and soft. I think they need a little bit more felting as the inner white fibres are migrating out into the red and pilling a little.
This is the other pair I have made. Thse have a wrinkly look because I added silk fibre on top. As the wool felts, the silk scrunches up to give an interesting texture. These ones are more generously sized and I can get my foot in and out no worries. I never realised my feet were so pointy until I felted theses slippers!
I have recently replenished my supplies of coloured fine merino wool tops. I order mine from Nancy at Treetops Colours in Western Australia. I have been ordering from Nancy for years and she has always given great service. This time I ordered the Colour Nuances Sample Pack which is 400g chocked full of great colours, just right for little felting and spinning projects. This is in preparation for the felting day I’ve been planning with some friends.
I’ve been home sick from work today. I’m a bit fuzzy in the head and achy… I hoping like mad that I have not got the lurgy. Perhaps I’ve come down with a raging case of hypochondria LOL.
I’m hiding these photos right down the bottom because the photography is very ordinary… but I wanted to record a finished quilt:
This is the Lines quilt. I can see lots of possibilities with printing and I want to do heaps more 🙂 Riscy doesn’t like it. Too much white at the top, he reckons.
I hung it in our bedroom. This is an insitu shot with my attempt at a little bit of interior decorating styling inspired by some of the home dec blogs I’ve been browsing lately (ahem!)