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Daily Archives: August 11, 2007

I’ve been printing 🙂 I thought I’d show you my low tech set up. I use an old piece of glass from a cheap picture frame to mix the acrylic paint and roller it onto my little rubber roller which I then roll onto the print plate… in this case it is a stiff bit of cardboard (cut from a lever arch folder) and I have used rubber bands to get the lines pattern for printing.
Now, I reckon I’m playing a bit dangerously with that flimsy piece of glass, one day it will shatter spectacularly while I’m carrying it to the sink or while I’m washing it. I need to get a piece of reinforced glass with nice ground edges made up. Actually, I’ll call a glazier this week.
This is the ‘print plate’ after a fair bit of use

It is now totally destroyed as I wiped it down at the end of the session with hopes of recycling the cardboard for another session.

This is the fabric I printed, I’m sandwiching it up for quilting. It is is such a relief and joy, after a year of concentration on applique, I just love the quickness of printing 🙂 Sorry for the totally crap photo I’ll post a better one when I’m finished quilting the piece.
I’m feeling a little stressed tonight as I have been ringing around trying to get some accomodation at Mt Hotham for next weekend. Of course everywhere is booked out so we are onto plan B. Off mountain accomodation at Omeo.
Posted in Art