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Monthly Archives: July 2007
Snow days

Me at Mt Baw Baw with the West Gippsland Plains in the distance
Riscy took this photo of me yesterday. I think I look pretty glamourous even with massive hat hair… Its those big sunnies. (bloody useless though, I’m gonna wear my crappy old polarising sunnies next weekend as my eyes are killing me today)
We were skiing at Mount Baw Baw, which is a two hour drive from our house. We were practicing our skiing skills in preparation for our visit to Mount Hotham next weekend with a group of local friends.
The snow was perfect, soft and crumbly, not much ice at all. The sun shone bright all day and I managed to master tow lifts (which is all Mt Baw Baw has)… I only fell off the Tbar once, on the dismount 🙂
Today I am not feeling too good, I think my body is in revolt. I lasted 1/2 a day at work today, then came home and spent the afternoon on the couch sleeping and watching Stage 14 of the Tour de France.
On Saturday I did this painting… apologies for the worst art photography ever, I’ll try and get a better shot at a later date.

I might even hang this one somewhere in the house.
Posted in Spinning
White quilts

White Diptych 1
Melbourne was good. Too much to reflect on here, but the ballet made me cry (New Romantics) and the theatre was spellbinding/hilarious/titilating (The Burlesque Hour, More!!). I caught up with my good friends Carol, Lynne, Nathan and Roger, it is good to be geographically close again 🙂
I’ve been back home now for a couple of weeks, but rarely feel the need to venture into my work/computer room and I have to admit I have been taken in by the Tour de France again. Even though I swore off it last year…
I read some… Margret Attwood’s The Blind Assassin took up a fair chunk of time, but I aslo read two novella; Fly Away Peter by David Malouf (made me cry), Without Blood by Allesandro Barricco (I realised when I finished it, that I had read it before… It’s Ocean Sea on my shelf that I have been meaning to read LOL) as well as Janet Evanovich’s latest novel and two books by Rachael Treasure (both made me cry, though both books seemed to have the same plot!?!… and have influenced me to do something which may turn out to be totaly foolish… perhaps more on that later).
And I have done a little bit of quilting… and a little bit of painting (which I’m rather excited about).
I’ve probably lost a lot of readers due to my absence. But, I have enjoyed my break from the computer. I almost decided to ditch it completely, but I do love reading and inspired by blogs and I also love to share my work… so here I am. Hello.

White Diptych 2
Posted in Knitting