Monthly Archives: October 2005

Wire Work and Some Yarn

I finished the sculptural piece I was working on – only to find it photographs terribly, believe it or not, the grass helps LOL. I think it turned out ok, but I wish I hadn’t messed with semi-spherical shape I was originally working with.

I have also been spinning this for a number of weeks.

I started out spinning it as thinnly as possible, but it was so boring, I navajo plyed what was on the bobbin and started again. It was still pretty fine and I felt like I was getting nowhere, with all that effort to get the spin into the thin singles.

I started to do a bit of research into my wheel (Ashford Traditional) and found out that the new flyers have three ratios. So I was spinning one night contemplating purchasing the necessary flyer when I started to pay attention to the flyer I have…. it actually has another ratio I’d never noticed, just thought it was a decorative element LOL And it does make a difference to the amount I am spinning too.

So I rocked up to my guild on Wednesday and proceeded to tell my story, which I thought was pretty funny. Then the two ladies next to me spinning on their traditionals suddenly realised that they had all those ratios too!!! And we solved another mystery too, the ‘Mother of All’ moves so the flyer grooves can be lined up with the big wheel.

OK. Another story. I did a printmaking class a few months ago and I want to do some more collographs. So I have started to arrange to use the print workshop one weekend soon. BUT, I have received a discouraging email from the workshop teacher basically saying that I am too inexperienced to do this on my own.

I don’t know what to make of this. I don’t think it is a complicated process, am I missing something? I print my linocuts at home, I’ve had plenty of experience inking up etched plates (I did plenty of that at Geelong), the printing press seemed simple to use (maybe she is worried I wont be able to set it up??). I had planned to take all my own stuff: inks, rags, tartalain, paper and even a soaking tray and I am preparing my collograph plates at home. The only thing I assumed would be at the workshop would be the press, and the blanket thingy.

She even offered to do the printing for me. Which could be an option if I find that it is all too hard. But most of the fun for me is getting the skills, experimenting etc.

So, I’m going to forge ahead, but make sure I’m as prepared as possible before going out there, just so I minimise the risk of appearing like a complete dick. Continue reading

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20 Things About Me

I was tagged by Dijanne:

20 things about me

1. I am a Tasmanian but I now live on the mainland.
2. I am a civil engineer
3. We are about to renovate our house
4. I do not want to get married. I have known this since my late teens.
5. I love romance novels, I have since my early teens :-0
6. I like to read other stuff too. I am currently reading the biography of John Monash.
7. The book I have read the most times is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
8. I have been ‘into’ textiles and fibre for a long time, but more intensely since my 4th year of University. My flatmate made a huge needlepoint rug. I did a few needlepoint cushion covers. We followed patterns in a book she had which used Celtic motifs
9. I decided to ‘be an artist’ early this year. My creativity has decreased because it is hard to find my own path.
10. I have had a photo of one of my quilts published in Australian Quilters Companion. I felt guilty because I don’t subscribe to the magazine and haven’t bought an issue since.
11. I met my partner at an Engineering Society Cocktail Party at University. We were very drunk. We have been together pretty much ever since.
12. I am an agnostic verging on athiest. I was bought up christian, I didn’t change because I hated christianity, I just didn’t believe the story anymore.
13. I lost 24kg a few years ago
14. I have put about 5kg back on. I have very little willpower around food. So much of it tastes so bloody good.
15. My favourite foods are vegemite on toast and Oysters, natural.
16. My natural hair colour is mouse brown. I colour it dark brown.
17. I was bought up by my dad.
18. I lived in Vietnam for 6 months in the mid 90’s
19. I was an excellent recorder player as a teenager. I also played the trombone.
20. I try to get 8 to 9 hours sleep every night.

I know that I’m meant to tag others but I’m sure almost everyone I know did the ‘100 things about me’ meme…. except CAROL!!!
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Wire sculpture and Jewellery

I have obtained a good quantity of copper wire from a local generator place (nice blokes), but I’ve found I can’t solder it readily as there is a coating on the wire (as the nice blokes and Riscy told me!), initially I planned to scrape the coating off before soldering, but it is a real pain, so I’m looking to other uses.

Here is what I wore to the concert this weekend:

As alluded to yesterday, I’m also making a sculptural peice which I’m hoping to have finished by the weekend.
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Phillip Glass etc

On Saturday Afternoon we zoomed off to Melbourne again. We had arranged to stay with the lovely Tricia in Brighton – one of my room mates from the Geelong Forum.

Tricia had a beautiful little garden with the longest wisteria blooms I have ever seen. She isn’t sure why they grow so long (about a metre) but she suspects it is because she is ruthless with her pruning every year.

Tricia also makes a mean Gin and Tonic :-).

We then headed off to the State Theatre to see Phillip Glass’ Orion. It was WONDERFUL. Composed as part of the Cultural Olymiad in Athens last year the work incorporates guest musicians/collaborators from all the populated continents.

The piece had the stamp of Phillip Glass (who composed the music for The Hours and The Truman Show, for those unfamiliar with his work) but the addition of the guest musicians (which included the digeridoo, chinese lute, fiddle, sitar etc all all coming on seperately through the piece, not all at once) added so much more.

The next day, after a walk along Brighon Beach with Tricia and her dogs, George and Bianca, we decided to drop into NGV International to see an exhibition called Everlasting – The Flower in Fashion and Textiles. It was interesting, but not as good as I had hoped, even with taking the time to sketch some interesting points, I was through in about 20 minutes. I was hoping for something much more absorbing.

We went through the asian art section, I just can’t get over the delicacy of the pots which were made 2000BC, the pottery almost seemed to get coarser as the years progressed. I’m making a wire piece in light of what I saw, so it was a worthwhile trip even for that 🙂

Another practice match tonight before we launch into the new season of Touch Football. I forgot how much I enjoy the game! Continue reading

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A FO and some photos

I finished some more knitting this week. Another One Skein Wonder but putting a wider rib around the edge and put a wide rib on the sleeves instead of moss stitch.

I used Noro, which is the first commercial yarn I have bought since I started spinning. It looks a lot better with a black top as the pink shows through too much.

I’ve taken some more photos on the new camera:

Even without a macro lens I think the new camera does a reasonable job:

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weekend Continued

After months of discussion, Riscy and I bought an new digital camera on the weekend. Canon 30D Digital SLR. I immediately took many brilliant photos of my leg:

I’m not an educated photographer, having a good camera lets me get away with a lot. Our old Nikon Coolpix 995 is still wonderful, but it was time to update to more MPix. We’ll have to invest in some lenses; I prefer a macro lense and Riscy wants a wide angle. It’s times like this I really appreciate being a DINK.

Anyway, back to the weekend review. Friday Night we went out to dinner to celebrate Riscy’s pay rise 🙂 Discovered that very expensive champagne isn’t worth the expense, but caviar and oysters are heaven.

Saturday we spent exploring some more exhibitions at the NGV at Federation Square, buying the camera, eating seafood in the David Jones Food Hall…

Saturday night we saw a contemporary dance performance by the Shen Wei Dance Company. The two peices contrasted beautifully with the frantic ‘Rite of Spring’, dancers zipping around in a – traffic in the city – type movement and ‘Folding’, a slow, meditative dance, very beautiful.

Afterwards we went along to the Artist’s Bar, it was part of the First Timers package. We were the only first timers there I’m afraid but we had good conversation with another couple and a few glasses of chardonnay to help the awkwardness.

We took advantage of our passes to the Famous Speigeltent afterwards and danced the night away, well to 2am anyway, the latest I’ve stayed up for a very long time.

The next day we headed out to Newport to catch up with my friend Lynne and her partner Roger. A lovely brunch in Wiliiamstown and a stroll along the beach really finished our weekend off on a fantastic note.

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Weekend in Melboune

Our weekend in Melbourne was heaps of fun only marred by Riscy having to work on Thursday night so he missed the performance of Theatre du Soleil – Le Dernier Caravanserail (Odyssees) at the Royal Exhibition Building. It was a very powerful experience, having grown from stories told by refugees, snippits of story of their journeys.

It was amazing that I was allowed in. I was rushing out of the hotel room when I realised that I’d left my tickets behind in Traralgon. I quickly rang the ticketing office and explained my situation, they were VERY understanding and ensured I got my seat. I purchased the tickets as part of the First Timers Package, so they had a way of verifying who I was. The performance was sold out with a rather long queue for non existant tickets.

I was very chuffed with the hotel I found on We had a refurbished one bedroom suite with full kitchen for very cheap. It’s on the CBD fringe, so very close to everything.

The next day I had a fantastic time visiting the National Gallery of Victoria at Federation Square. I particularly enjoyed the contemporary drawing exhibition, check it out if you have a chance.

I indulged in quick manicure at David Jones, a little ritual I have, and tried on hats, a big feature of Melbourne shopping at this time of year due to the spring horse racing carnival.

Met up with Riscy then headed to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image to see White Noise.
An exhibition of abstraction in audio visual art. ACMI always delivers. I wished I lived in Melbourne for that alone.

More in my next update.

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Away again

I’m away for an extended weekend in Melbourne. We’ll be attending lots of events surrounding the Melbourne Arts Festival, so I hope to have lots to report when I return. Continue reading

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How cool is this, I’ve been playing around with a Kaleidoscope attachment for photoshop. These are some from the Lincut I showed yesterday:

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Linocut Revisited

I’m giving Linocut another red hot go. One of my dorm-mates from Geelong (Chris from Queensland) gave me a few tips, mainly that I should use a texta to colour in the negative areas of my design so I know what to cut away (that freemotion linocutting caper just didn’t do it for me, and as much as I hate to plan things out, I REALLY need to with linocut).

I need to work on the ‘inking up’ concept, but I don’t think it turned out too badly.

Have you ever looked at a portrait of Queen Elizabeth (the first) and lusted after her dress, or longed to slip on a ruff for just a day? Well, maybe I’m a little loony. But I sure do love those costumes and fabrics Mmmm Mmmmm Though I’m glad I don’t have to entertain those corsets LOL

Anyway, I was admiring this portrait (in and ad) yesterday, when I decided I could have a little bit of the fun myself by stealing a bit of her skirt:

Now, as a surefire way of killing a project, I’ll tell you about the germ of an idea I had whilst cutting away. Perhaps I could do a little series of linocuts featuring bits of fabric. But only the good stuff (and stuff with big motifs LOL, my linocutting skills aren’t that great). Anyway, now I’ve let it out of the bag, it is sure to be the last you hear of it! 🙂

And, just to keep the magic going, here is a sunrise photo I took in Geelong (Chris of Linocut fame is just visible to the right, she is wearing the lovely blue felt hat she made herself!)

Edited to add some more info on Lady Reynell:

Excerpt from the article “Robert Peake & Scipione Pulzone in Adelaide” by: Angus Trumble at Antiques & Are E-zine

“Mark Weiss, who has published the painting in his recent Rex Irwin catalogue, Tudor and Stuart Portraits, 1530-1660, London & Sydney 1997, states that: ‘Frances, who was the daughter of John Aylworth of Polstow in Devon, married Thomas Reynell (1555-1621) in about 1580 and by him had nine children, three of whom were sons…The first was born in 1581. The Reynells, a West Country family of great antiquity, were first recorded in the 12th century during the reigns of Henry II and Richard I as having custody of the castles of Exeter and Launceston. Thomas Reynell, whose brother Sir Carew was cup-bearer to Queen Elizabeth, was knighted in 1603, following the Coronation of King James I [and VI of Scotland].'”

Now, I grew up in Tasmania where English place names are numerous, but I never knew that Exeter and Launceston were named after castles. Launceston is the second largest city in Tassy and Exeter is a ‘blink and miss it’ town in the same region. We get most annoyed when mainlanders refer to Launceston as Lawn-ceston, it is pronounced lon-ceston. Anybody know how they say it in England? Continue reading

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