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Monthly Archives: February 2005
Spinning Corner
I spashed out and brought some fancy storage boxes from Freedom Funiture for my spinning supplies, wool etc. I have also found that they are good ‘tables for my flick carder, waste wool etc while spinning.
I spun another spool of the purply pink dyed wool last night. I’m going to ply tonight (my favourite part!).
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Knitting Bag
Late last afternoon I started this bag, which I had planned to give to Bev today. I’m pleased with the way it’s turning out, but I don’t think I have time to finish it 🙁
The bag incorportates pockets in the lining (another first). They are lined with really stiff interfacing, I’m hoping this will add a fair amount of shape to the bag.
I might try and put this week’s spinning lesson off until next Monday. It’ll give me more time to spin up a storm. (and besides, it’s Valentines Day… perhaps I should spend some time with Riscy LOL)
I tried some merino again and I actually spun some decent yarn (or as decent as a spinner of two weeks experience can expect). I also tried spining some silk (in Lap form), it would have made a nice fine embroidery thread.
On a personal note. Today is my first day in a new job. I’m officially in charge of other engineers and responsible for the work done in our group, how bloody scary!
Posted in Knitting
More Spinning
I’ve been busy spinning and dyeing this week. I’ve managed to ply every bit of yarn I’ve spun so far and I’m now faced with the daunting task of KNITTING something.
I’ve stocked up on books and obtained some patterns, but I’ve decided to tackle another scarf first, just to get used to knitting with my hand spun wool.
The start of the scarf made from my hand spun wool. I think I’ll intersperse the ‘laddery’ bits fairly regularly. I also learned how to twist skeins so they are nice and compact and plump looking 🙂
A spool of the purpley pink colour. I was going to verigate the colours, but I’ve decided to do wide stripes of each colour. I might ply with white, but I haven’t decided yet.
I’m going to knit a big project with these colours and perhaps a yellow. I really need to get better at knitting first though!
I have been avoiding my sewing room, it’s messy and I need to spend an hour tidying before I can sew. I can’t put it off any further as I need to make a knitting bag for Monday night as promised.
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Posted in Linocut
Adventures with Dye
I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, but I won’t let it stop me from trying anyway:
A few (Umm) learnings…
1) Aren’t you meant to pull the fleece into seperate clumps BEFORE washing? it’s still all connected
2) Do you have to get ALL the poo out before dyeing? It’ll come out when I card it right?
3) Why throw purple into a perfectly good orange bath (when you know deep down it will make brown!!! That’s the one on the stove at the moment
I have no idea of the theory of dyeing wools, I just followed the directions on the dye jars (except for the stiring… wont that cause felt?)
I can’t wait to get spinning this, I hope I won’t have too much trouble carding it ekkkk!
On the quilting front: I ironed the fabric for the binding of the pear quilt… That’s progress right?
AND I was asked to donate one of my bags for an auction at work to raise money for cancer research. Which I gladly agreed to do since a collegue died of cancer about this time last year. I hope it gets a decent price.
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Posted in Linocut
The Things You See
I had to go to Buchan today (yes it rhymes with the swear word and I get a jeuvenile pleasure from saying it). On the way there is a town with this in the main street:
I also took the opportunity to drop into Jumbuck Wools. The lady was once again very helpful, I bought about 2kg of unprocessed fleece (white and grey), some landscape dyes, a Niddy Noddy, at carding brush and some 5mm knitting needles.
We had our new scanner delivered today, so no doubt I’ll be playing around with it over the next couple of weeks.
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Drum Roll Please
I present here my first ever bona fide hand spun yarn.
My first hand spun yarn! Dark brown Corridale from Jumbuck Wools in Bairnsdale and dyed Ashford Corridale from Benambra Blue in Omeo. An East Gippsland Yarn!
I’m pretty impressed with myself and I’m engergised to do a heap more spinning now that I have seen the finished product. Bev thinks I will end up with enough yarn to make a beanie. The question is… are my knitting skills up to the challenge?! It has been 8 years since I knitted with a pattern.
I’m headed back to East Gippsland tommorrow so I plan on dropping back into Jumbuck Wools… I might even get some dyes (or is this the slippery slope??).
As thanks to Bev who has devoted two nights to my spinning education I have offered to make her a knitting bag. She sounded pleased with the idea.
If you read the original version of this blog you will remember that I planned to start a little production of bags made with my hand dyed fabrics and there was a shop interested in selling knitting bags… well I’ve done nothing towards this goal. So this week I will make my FIRST real knitting bag with pockets, perhaps this will be the start of something.
I will photograph the bag and send it to the shop lady and see if she is still interested.
How’s that for a plan!
Posted in Linocut
Love Actually
We just watched Love Actually (again). I really like that film :-). Unfortunately that means I didn’t have time to completely finish my pear quilt… but I’ll show you the almost finished quilt anyway (just the backing and binding to go)
It took me all day to quilt the background, which is a bunch of vertical lines. I then attacked it with paint to get a mottled background… It went from looking pretty cool to looking like a high school art project (or more so) 🙁 I’m going to finish it and hang it though ’cause our walls are too bare.
If I really hate it after a few months, I can always make something else and put this one on the bed for the cat to sit on LOL.
My second spinning class is tommorow. I’m going to learn how to ply. I was all set to start another spool this afternoon, but it didn’t seem to fit my wheel.
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Posted in Knitting
Saturday, Saturday!!!
I’ve been quilting all afternoon. Here is a sneak preview, I hope to have the grand ‘reveal’ tomorrow night.
Yeah, Yeah, I know… those are pears (what a suprise!). I’m going to hang this quilt next to our bookcase, that’s if I don’t wreck it tommorow, a real possibility since I plan to paint the background after I’ve quilted it!.
I’ve also been spinning, trying to make a veriegated yarn. I find it hard to get a consistent twist, so I could end up with a heap of useless crap, regardless, I’m going to attempt to knit it.
I was listening to Cyndi Lauper tonight, she’s great to quilt to, She Bop gets me everytime LOL
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Posted in Knitting
Deborah tagged me with this Meme, I too didn’t know what that meant.
Total Amount of Music on your computer? We filled our 40G ipod, I’m told that’s a lot of music.
The last CD you bought? Cat Power, John Butler Trio, Missy Higgins
What is the song you last listened to before reading this message? Norah Jones – can’t remember ‘exactly’ which song it was as I was listening to her album in the car.
Not counting the radio this morning as I don’t know the songs on Triple J anymore, but we’ve switched back to them from a few years of listening to Classic FM (they took Classic Clive off the air *sniff*)
Write 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you?
I’m going to list albums instead:
Tori Amos, Boys for Pele
Ben Harper, Burn to Shine
Nick Cave and the Badseeds, Lyre of Orpheus and Abbitoir Blues
Red Priest, The Four Seasons (I LOVE the recorder, it’s a kick arse instrument)
Cake, Fashion Nugget
I don’t really have songs that mean a lot to me, these are albums I would take with me to a desert island if I could only take five.
What 3 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?
I think everyone has answered this Meme by now, so I’m just gonna let it go LOL (if you would LIKE to be tagged let me know hehe) Continue reading
Back to the Spinning Wheel
I’m tired tonight, going to bed early… but not before I post some pics of the progress I’m making with my spinning.
This is my first spool. I had a minor mishap caused by me overloading the spool at one end and the yarn getting caught in the shaft thingy… NOT pretty! I decided to start a new spool after that.
This is tonight’s progress… I have no idea how much ‘knitting’ this will get me. I am also wondering if I’m ‘over spinning’… if anyone can give me some advice about that, I’d appreciate it 🙂
I picked up my UFO from the longarm quilter yesterday. It turned out so much better than I imagined it would. I’ll get the binding on it sometime over the next week so I can show it off here. It’ll be interesting to see how it washed up, as I didn’t prewash the fabrics before piecing :-O
Melanie has made a delicious quilt and I’m itching to try something like it myself, but I’m gonna try it with a knitting bag (this weekend), and perhaps use triangles (we’ll see).
Well, I’m just about to grab a trashy romance (a guilty pleasure) and head off to bed. Ta Ta
Posted in Linocut