Daily Archives: February 5, 2005

Saturday, Saturday!!!

I’ve been quilting all afternoon. Here is a sneak preview, I hope to have the grand ‘reveal’ tomorrow night.

Sneak peek at a new quilt project

Yeah, Yeah, I know… those are pears (what a suprise!). I’m going to hang this quilt next to our bookcase, that’s if I don’t wreck it tommorow, a real possibility since I plan to paint the background after I’ve quilted it!.

I’ve also been spinning, trying to make a veriegated yarn. I find it hard to get a consistent twist, so I could end up with a heap of useless crap, regardless, I’m going to attempt to knit it.

Veriegated Ashford Corridale

I was listening to Cyndi Lauper tonight, she’s great to quilt to, She Bop gets me everytime LOL
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