The lollies intensive didn’t get as intense as I would have liked. There has been just too much stuff going on to really concentrate on it. I’ve had the time, but not the headspace. Even though this project is perfect ‘fluff’ for times like these, I still found it difficult to reach for fabric and thread. I’m thinking I’ll add a few smaller scattered shapes in the bottom left hand corner and call it finished.
On Blogging
Ok. I’ve been thinking about stopping this blog.
There are so many wonderful craft blogs out there and I find that I really am a tiny fish in a HUGE pond. I worked out how to discover the number of subscribers to LittleFishCreations on Google Reader… the first time I checked it was 22 subscribers and then I checked again and it was 21! One of those subscribers is Chris and one is ME! Most blogs I read have hundreds or thousands of subscribers.
Not that my aim is to be popular… but those low numbers make me wonder if perhaps my blog is irrelevant.
I started blogging over 5 years ago. It was sooo refreshing to have my own space on the net after years of reading but not really participating in groups like QuiltArt. I was also just starting to feel about with my own creativity and had enthusiasm after enthusiasm that I loved to share. Quilting, spinning, knitting, drawing, painting…. anything and everything! And I had lots of comments and felt connected with many really nice people.
Over the last few years I feel like I’ve lost my way with this space especially with other things (like having a baby) which have shifted my priorities.
I don’t really comment much on other blogs anymore (I blame Google Reader as I read so much but don’t visit the actual blogs much anymore) and people don’t comment here very much either (though I do love and appreciate each and every comment I do get!) So I’m not feeling that sense of community and connection that I would like from of my internet experience.
I’m mulling over my options
1) continue as I’ve been going; blog when I feel like it, about whatever I’m working on at the time. I do enjoy revisiting my archives as it’s like the diaries that I alway’s wanted to keep as a teenager but never did.
2) stop blogging – go private. Make things for my own enjoyment and don’t fuss about the documentation and sharing part.
3) find another forum to share my creativity (flickr??). Still making and documenting, but without the commentary and obligations I feel towards this blog.
4) revamp this blog so that it works better for me and allows me to develop the sense of community that I would like. This would really take a committment to DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY. Also I think I’d need to develop some GOALS for the blog.
5) something else I haven’t thought of yet!
So. I’m going to have a think. Normally I’d keep such thinking private but I’ve decided to share 🙂 AND
I would love to hear your thoughts!
What do you like about my blog?
What do you find interesting?
What do you find less interesting or annoying or things you think I could improve?
If you use flickr, I’d appreciate your thoughts on the pro’s and cons of moving my internet life over there. Do you know of other sites/forums that I should consider?
Any other thoughts or comments you would like to share with me 🙂
(I won’t hold negative comments against you – I promise XX).
If you are uncomfortable leaving a comment here, please email me at littlefishcreations – at – gmail – dot – com