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Monthly Archives: September 2007
On a Jet Plane x 6

Tommorow, Riscy and I are flying to the Northen Territory. Three flights up and then three flights back on Tuesday. We are going here.
I’ve been trying to get some suitable clothing together for business meetings in a tropical climate. It turned out to be an annoyingly difficult task. A lot of the tops this season have gathering around the bust which I’m sure looks really romantic on some people, but just makes me look like I’m wearing a tent.Â
I have been quilting the Summer Quilt a little bit here and there this week I’ve done the bulk of it and now I just have to put the finishing touches on before I trim it and bind it.Â
I hate making binding, but I’m psyching my self up for it this time… and I might even make up the bias binding for the queen sized triple irish chain quilt I made about 4 years ago… it was the 2nd quilt I made and it has been sitting in my cupboard unbound … and un-useful for far too long.
The above image is taken from a page in my journal… printed with found plastic.
Scrap Pile

Because of all the fabric ripping for this quilt, I have lots of skinny strips of fabric and tread nests hanging around my workroom. I love the colours. So I chucked a pile onto the scanner.  The yellows and blues are the leavings of the pieced backing.
Tonight I’m quilting. Simply, like I said I would 🙂
Posted in Knitting
Summer quilt

On a whim. I sewed up this patchwork quilt top today. A ‘no cut’ quilt. I just ripped the fabric to size and merrily sewed away
I’m now officialy run out of orangey fabrics and really need to put in a dye order soon because I’m out of yellow (I go through yellow way faster than other colours). This quilt also made a slight dint in my pinks/burgandys, that fuchsia dye can be a real bitch sometimes.
This will be a nice couch sized quilt, good for reading under and possibly a decent picnic rug in time.
What else did I do today? Hmmm, Oh thats right. I printed some more fabrics, one of which went straight into the quilt. Here’s another look

I’m planning to quilt this very SIMPLY. I might even dust off the old walking foot.
I came across an interesting artist today Stephanie Levy who is an american living in Germany. She does beautiful little collages. I wish I made quilts that looked like this. Blocks of colour combined with line.
Posted in Knitting

The above image is taken from one of my little journals.. .the drawing is of the elecrical plug for my iron. Have you noticed that these yellowy greens are a current obsession of mine? I’m seriously besotted.Â
I also worked on a painting on canvas today and I’m rather happy with it, there’s probably a bit more required, but I’m pleased with the direction. I might buy some more canvases this week as I find it so much fun to work with paint. I’m in love with the colours more than anything else.
I haven’t been on the net much in the past couple of week but I have bookmarked some interesting artists who I would like to share with you.
Kate Blee is a British textile artist, I love the colours she uses. I can’t seem to link to my favourite pieces, but if you go to the link title Wall and then the link Vessel, you’ll see my favourite piece… that bloody green again!
Kirsty Hall has an interesting project going drawing on the back of envelopes, filling them with things, then posting them to herself. A complex sort of set up, but her envelope drawings are facinating to me.  Â
Posted in Felt

I have been making stuff. Just not blogging about it. I think this could be because Riscy and I have some stuff going on and I really want to share it with you, but I can’t. Probably for a few weeks. (not a baby for those who would jump on that one).
I’ve made more hats. They are addictive.

This one I made a couple of weeks ago and I’m happy to report that it is very wearable in wet weather. Like today. I spent all afternoon out in the freezing rain and this hat kept my head toasty and relatively dry. This is a nuno felted hat. Which means I felted the wool with an open weave fabric which gets nicely enmeshed with the wool as it is felted. I love the bobbly texture… the wool is the dark blue and the fabric a yellow orange cotton muslin (gauze or chesecloth for those using different terminology)
On Saturday I ran a mini felting workshop for some friends. It was great fun to share a creative day with friends. Cassandra made a spectacular, firey coloured scarf and Kate made a felted landscape which ended up with fabulous textured elements. I didn’t think to take photos to share here.
The first bit of felt we made was from some unprocessed wool which we carded up ourselves. The results were so nice that I’m thinking of using up the rest of that fleece on a project. I’ve just got to work up the energy for all that hand carding!

Posted in Journal
Spring Cleaning

We spent this weekend cleaning. The house is fresh and sparkly from front to back … and I have new cushions in the lounge room. So it really does feel like we are emerging from winter. The fact that I’m in a tshirt after 10pm could also be giving me this feeling LOL.
I spent a little bit of time on art, putting hanging things on the little yellow and grey paintings. I hung them, but they are way off centre and look terrible, so I’m going to have another go. Tommorow. I also gessod over a painting I attempted a few weekends ago. I maybe could have salvaged it, but I’d lost enthusiasm for the idea so decided to scrap it.
The above page in my art journal is pretty slap-dash, but I really love the colours and the scribbles. Mien from Red Red Day has posted images on her blog of an artists book she made which inspired me to go down this track… though by no means does this scribble and blob come close to the beauty of her work.
Tagged Embroidery