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Tag Archives: Embroidery
Busy bee
Jasper and I have been away visiting friends and grandparents in northern Tasmania. Jasper got a ride in Poppy’s wood cart – how exciting for a ‘nearly’ two year old 🙂 I did a little bit of stitching too. It’s … Continue reading
Phone posting
Let’s see how we go with the new technology 🙂 The phone isn’t so great for taking photos of small works especially since I’m used to a fancy DSLR, macro lens and photoshop. But we’re in quick and dirty mode … Continue reading

I drew this cow in my journal yesterday. The page was already painted the pinky colour with the blue and white smudges. after I finished the drawing I decided to add a the green and blue background.
I should draw more often. But nothing around the house shouts out for my time or attention.
For some unknown reason I had made a rule that I shouldn’t draw from photographs. What a stupid rule!! My computer is chocked full of interesing photos that I’ve taken over the years and it’s really silly not to use them for inspiration.
So, this is a cow. A calf actually.
Looking at it now on the screen I think need to strengthen up the lines around the nostrils and mouth area.
Tagged Embroidery
Spring Cleaning

We spent this weekend cleaning. The house is fresh and sparkly from front to back … and I have new cushions in the lounge room. So it really does feel like we are emerging from winter. The fact that I’m in a tshirt after 10pm could also be giving me this feeling LOL.
I spent a little bit of time on art, putting hanging things on the little yellow and grey paintings. I hung them, but they are way off centre and look terrible, so I’m going to have another go. Tommorow. I also gessod over a painting I attempted a few weekends ago. I maybe could have salvaged it, but I’d lost enthusiasm for the idea so decided to scrap it.
The above page in my art journal is pretty slap-dash, but I really love the colours and the scribbles. Mien from Red Red Day has posted images on her blog of an artists book she made which inspired me to go down this track… though by no means does this scribble and blob come close to the beauty of her work.
Tagged Embroidery
Edited to add… These were done in my journal, the additional/contrasting rectangle is a partial section from the opposite page from the main painting (digital cut and paste).
Tagged Embroidery
Wrecking Journals
Keri Smith has just launched a new project called Wreck This Journal. So in the spirit of letting go and being a bit more free and open with my creativity, I have glued some stuff into my journal 🙂
Tagged Embroidery