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Sketch to Quilt



I quite like it now.


Square Set




Splish Splash Colour


This week I collected these small bits of driftwood off the beach. I’m still pinching myself that we live about 2 minutes walk from a decent beach. How lucky are we!!


Good Weekend

This weekend we did some stuff. It might not sound very profound, but we are homebodies at heart and it is easy for us to amuse ourselves at home rather than exploring this beautiful area like we should.

We visited the Yirrkala Arts Centre on Saturday morning. I was concerned that we might need a special permit to visit the township, but I rang the centre and they assured me that it was ok as long as we didn’t drive around the town. So off we went.


Though they took off when they saw us. I was a bit worried as they have been known to kill people. (Chris took the photo)

Once we had settled down with a couple of fishing rods we noticed some stuff happening in the distance and I thought it was a shark!! There was a fin poking out of the water… very exciting. We watched for a minute before we realised that it was acutally a small pod of dolphins YAY!

They were actually driving fish towards us and at one stage they seemed to be less than 20m from the shore. So close I could hear their ‘bite’ as they tried to catch fish!

Chris got some great photos, but I’ll let him post them on our other blog Gone to Gove


Thirty One




I’m thinking that I will use the top of the drawers as a storage area
for my sewing machine and clear a drawer for use as a place to hold
projects that I need to vamoose quickly (nothing stifles a creative
urge than a big old UFO hogging up my space!!

Sounds like a plan doesn’t it?

what will I work on with all this free desk space? I’m thinking I need
to do some drawing and a little bit of painting. That always calms the
nerves. 🙂


Around the flats

Oil Recovery

Hi. I’ve been absent. Going through a creative dry spot and not really wanting to blog about it.

I’m coming down with a cold, and had ample excuse to curlup on the
couch and watch many episodes of Antiques Roadshow back to back… but
for some inexplicable reason I took myself, my sore throat and a camera
out to take photos. Just here around the town flats.


Made in Australia (an ancient and weathered water ski)

is amazing how much great stuff you see when you are in the right frame
of mind and when your eyes are tuned in to ‘seeing’. I love that


Keogh’s Bench

week I went to Brisbane for work. It was nice to have a change of
scenery and I can certainly understand the people who have told me that
you need to ‘get out’ every 3 months or so. This is such a small,
isolated town… you can lose your perspective really fast and start
thinking Gove is the centre of the universe and get pissed off about
things that really don’t matter. I wasn’t at that point, but I can see
that it could happen … hell, in my job I see plenty of instances
where it has already happened!!

In Brisbane I caught up with my
old friends Monica and Matt and their baby, Kate. Kate is totally
georgous, just scrumptious. Monica and Matt were great, taking me out
for coffee and shopping at Spotlight…and Mon took me to a great
underwear shop where I stocked up for the coming months. This climate
is hard or undies and there is nothing even vaguely resembling a
lingerie shop in town. Thanks M+M+K.


Spinners and Handweavers of Gove ( I peeked in the window, the building
seems to be very unused, but there looms and/or spinning wheels in

So. What do I know? I know that I desperately need to
go into a phase of ‘observation’. I want to create… I really do, but
I can’t do it out of thin air. I need material. I know this.

had sort of been thinking that since I’m up in the Territory that I
should be focusing on nature etc. But every time I think this, I feel
magnetically drawn to the couch. The idea of going out into the bush,
in the humidity, getting bitten by insects and ants … seems to put a
dampner on my enthusiasm. Hmmmm.


Blue Blue Blue


Today is the Australia Day public holiday and it officially marks the end of the ‘bum on couch’ season for me. The Australian Open (tennis) finished last night and the last test match (cricket) of the season concludes today. It’s not like I’m a big sports fan, but having these things on the telly triggers the feel of the long summer holidays from my childhood and must also send a message to my brain that it is ok to loll about on the couch for days on end.

The last couple of summers I’ve knitted my way through the summer, but this year its been about cooking, setting up the house and embroidery.

I’m not sure what I want to make next. I’ve certainly got plenty of UFO’s to tackle, but I’m not particularly keen on them for some reason.


Circles on Blue



I’m using one of my favourite hand dyed fabrics which fades from blue blue to a tan blue up the other end.  I’ll show a full shot when I’ve finished with the embroidery.