We’ve been having so much fun lately that sitting down to writing a blog post hasn’t been a big priority… which is a good thing I reckon 🙂
I hope you all had a great Christmas. We had a lovely time with Chris’ family in Bridport.
I made this waldorf doll for Jasper’s Christmas present. He’s called Leo and he’s now Jasper’s bed-time cuddle doll.
I used a llittle book called Making Dolls by Sunnhild Reinckens which had excellent instructions for making the head. The book in general though is fairly ‘light on’ for instructions but I quite like that as it pointed me in the right direction but generally let me nut it out for myself.
There were some ideas for puppets in there which I’m thinking about trying too.
Jasper got a lot of presents this year, but he has been playing with all of them so I think that he really was due for toys and books that were at the next level… thank goodness for Christmas I say! And thanks to Jasper’s Grandma, Grandad and Aunty Sarah who contributed to the bonanza!
I owe you a report on the market stall (way back in November!) – but I’ve only just downloaded the photos and need to sort through them.
What else? I just finished making a quilt today but I’m not happy with the photos, so I’ll try again and get back to you (promise!)