I’ve Quit Coco-Pops – Cold Turkey

The removalists are coming on Thursday.  So I need to get my craft and art supplies sorted out.  But I sorta got distracted by the basket of scrap fabrics under my desk.

This is the bag I made – front and back.  The only thing is that it took me four hours. I can’t believe it took me that long!   I think I spent too much time spaced out on the couch and I think I know why…

I’ve accomplished very little this week because of coco-pops.  I normally wouldn’t touch ’em, and I blame it on pregnancy cravings, but man they taste good and the snap, crackle and pop makes me strangely happy.  But I think they make me feel weird, sort of light headed and desperately in need of a lie down. 

So as of today, I’m back on the porridge. (and I’m gonna make more bags… cleaning can wait!!)

I’ve added some new blogs to my google reader account recently:

Needled is the blog of Wazzuki who lives in Edinburgh.  A fabulous writing style… and creative style too.  I got hooked in when I came across her making ties for her male loved ones for Christmas, very cool! 

Yummygoods is the blog of Melissa who lives in Cape Cod.  I love the colours and love that she recently set up a real life shop in about four weeks.  Melissa has a bright, forthright style and I like it 🙂

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Baby Blanket Panel One


Baby Blanket Project

Of course, I live in the tropics so a wool blanket may not be terribly useful.  But it will be lightweight merino wool and our acommodation is fully airconditioned, so you never know!

I’ll take some ‘in progress’ photos so you can see how it comes together (if indeed it does!).

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2009 is shaping up to be a BIG year.  Later this month we’ll be moving to Jabiru which is located within Kakadu National Park  and of course our baby is due in late April.

So lots of changes and hopefully some more adventure is in store for us.  

In 2009 I want to have fun, take things as they come and be easy on myself. I know that a lot of my energy will be centered on our home life and I’m looking forward to it!

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And I’ve finished this band, but it doesn’t photograph well for the blog as it is long and narrow.  I think I’ll do a different design for the other side of the bag to learn a different stitch.

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Apple, Rhubarb and Raspberry Pie

 I made some felt with merino and silk to use as the cover. And a matching little button 🙂


Bags of Fun

The green bag contains my knitting…. and I found the lost ball of yarn YAY!  So once I’ve finished the embroidery above, I’ll put get back into it.

The orange bag contains my small stash of baby things.  I have an idea of making a number of these bags to hang in the baby’s room to hold bits and pieces.  I think it might be an interesting way to get some colour into the nursery, as well as being practical storage.

That’s if I have enough time, we may be moving to a different mining town in January.



Shortbread is a quick and tasty present to give to friends at Christmas.  I made a batch today as a gift for some old work friends.  And, there’s quite a few left over for Chris and I.  Nothing beats these bickies with a cup of tea. 


Yesterday I finished the 48 log cabin block required for the quilt I’m making.  I’m regretting the ‘rip’n’sew’ method now, as the blocks are all slightly different in size and I’m going to have to trim them down… Yuk 🙁

Tommorow is the start of the first test match (cricket) between Australia and South Africa… I’m really looking forward to some ‘bum on couch’ time.  I’m hoping to make major progress on the Peacock Feathers shawl… I’ve only got two more rows left in Chart 5. Yippee!!!  Though I am starting to worry because I seem to have misplaced the 2nd ball of wool that I will need pretty soon!

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This year I wound them all onto those cardboard thread keeper thingys and it was a good decision as I now see them as a bowl of goodies rather than a gruesome tangle of threads bursting out of their zip-loc bag.


Hello Baby


We had our 19wk ultrasound this morning.  Hello baby boy 🙂 

He appears to be healthy and is growing well.  The last two ultrasounds have indicated that he is due a week earlier than originally thought.  So we are looking at the last week of April/first week of May.

It’s a lot more squished up in there now, at the last scan he was swimming around like a fish.  Now he’s curled up in there all cozy, definitely no room for laps!