Daily Archives: January 19, 2009

Dark Day

Somebody torched our dad’s house.  The house I grew up in, the house our single dad built when my sister, Meg, and I were little.

Here is the article from the local paper.  I cried this morning when I saw the first photo.  There really is nothing left and the house will be demolished this week.

Thankfully my dad, little sister, Zippy, and stepmother are safe.  They were away at a church camp at the time.  My dad’s dog, Ruby, was home and apparently she ran into the house when the firemen got there and they rescued her.   She is safe with dad now.

Unfortunately it looks like it was deliberately and maliciously lit.  We will wait to see what the police come up with.

I’m a long way from home and family.  But they are constantly in my thoughts. Thanks to Meg who has kept me in touch and who showed real strength yesterday.

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