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Daily Archives: September 11, 2007

I have been making stuff. Just not blogging about it. I think this could be because Riscy and I have some stuff going on and I really want to share it with you, but I can’t. Probably for a few weeks. (not a baby for those who would jump on that one).
I’ve made more hats. They are addictive.

This one I made a couple of weeks ago and I’m happy to report that it is very wearable in wet weather. Like today. I spent all afternoon out in the freezing rain and this hat kept my head toasty and relatively dry. This is a nuno felted hat. Which means I felted the wool with an open weave fabric which gets nicely enmeshed with the wool as it is felted. I love the bobbly texture… the wool is the dark blue and the fabric a yellow orange cotton muslin (gauze or chesecloth for those using different terminology)
On Saturday I ran a mini felting workshop for some friends. It was great fun to share a creative day with friends. Cassandra made a spectacular, firey coloured scarf and Kate made a felted landscape which ended up with fabulous textured elements. I didn’t think to take photos to share here.
The first bit of felt we made was from some unprocessed wool which we carded up ourselves. The results were so nice that I’m thinking of using up the rest of that fleece on a project. I’ve just got to work up the energy for all that hand carding!

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