Daily Archives: November 22, 2005

I can see this will be a rush

I just spent an hour and a half producing a heap of shit. I ripped off the worst bit and present the rest to you as ClaArProMo No 22.

Melanie Testa linked to this amazing site yesterday, Tom Judd’s Everyday. I am totally in awe of what this bloke has accomplished in one year. Check it out.

I’m flying to Tasmania on Thursday. Just a weekend visit, but lots of preparation to be done, including getting my entrys ready for Traralgon Agricultural Show which is on this weekend. I’m going to the Royal Tasmanian Wine Show Tasting on Friday night, as well as Chelsea’s wedding and visiting my sister and nephew.

Tommorow I’m running for re-election to the Advisory Committee of our Regional Gallery. I’m not a good politician… I am used to the robust discussions in my workplace where, suprisingly, I happily speak my mind and throw in my opinions (and where I’m often the most junior by a long way and generally the only female). This method doesn’t seem to go down well in this committee and perhaps I’ll be voted off, like survivor LOL. Continue reading

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I’m posting this very quickly in my lunch hour. I did this monoprint the other night after I blogged the other ones. I think it is probably the best of all of them.

Last night I had to get my skein of wool spun for my entry into the Traralgon Show. It is soaking at the moment and I’ve got to hang it to dry before I head back to work.

I’ll blog some more tonight. Continue reading

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