Daily Archives: November 16, 2005

Injury, triumph and a little bit of creativity

In an effort to bring more colour to ClaArProMo I cracked open the watercolour for the first time in ages 🙂

And I think this brings me a third of the way there

We won our second game of touch footy last night. We thought we would struggle against the team we played, but we really have it together early on this season. It helps that most of us know the rules (unlike this time last year LOL). Riscy sprained his ankle though, so I spent my time last night packaging ice into little ziploc bags and keeping Riscy’s tootsies warm whilst we chilled his ankle.

The doctor was quite impressed this morning and could tell we had been vigilant with the ice 🙂 Riscy has the rest of the week off work since he is hobbling around on crutches.

Tonight was very exciting for Australians as we qualified for the World Cup. For the first time in 31 years. It went all the way to a very tense penalty shoot out. The graduate who works for me was at the game which is pretty cool as the tickets were enormously hard to get. Continue reading

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