Daily Archives: September 11, 2005

I Can Crochet!!


This is all a bit experimental so it doesn’t sit perfectly flat, but I think I can fix that with a bit of thoughtful blocking 🙂

The Paynesville Spin In went well. There must have been about 50 people there including two men, David from our guild and another guy from Phillip Island who spins for his wife. I think David took up spinning to keep up the yarn for his wife too, he tells us she was the fastest knitter he ever saw, he has bought in some of her work and it is beautiful.

The Spin In was held in St Peters by the Sea Anglican church, a beautiful location. I wish I’d taken my camera. A funny thing, I was spinning away and two ladies approached me and asked why the thread doesn’t break, I said that I was putting twist into the fibre and that makes it strong enough. Then one of them said, ‘how do you get the twist in?’ I was polite, but holy crap! I’m sitting there with a spinning wheel at a spinning guild event.
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