Daily Archives: August 13, 2005

What a Day

I am exhausted after spending the day in a printmaking workshop with Jenny Peterson at ARC Yinnar.

I go back for more tommorow 🙂 I constructed some collographs today, I am full of doubt about how they will print, I used lots of fibrous stuff which will take too much ink and cause dark blobs, all will be revealed tommorow.

We also explored using found metal to print with. I had found some lovely rusted corrugated iron on the side of the road on the way o the workshop

I had to squash the metal flat then pound the crap out of it to make it suitable for printing. I was very impressed with the results which I will show here tommorow.

Knitting on Kiri continues, it would boring if I continued to post pics of its shriveled self.

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