Daily Archives: July 10, 2005

No Flash

I’ve been practicing taking photos in low light without a flash. In other words, I finally got the tripod set up.

Here are the best ones

Sam Javanrouh from Daily Dose of Imagery did some wonderful long exposure night shots recently, Link, Link. Shows me up as the crap photographer that I am, maily due to ignorance and lack of application on my part. But I try and thanks to digital cheapness, I can click merrily away and occasionally get an OK shot.

Riscy’s dad Jeff Jennings is a great photographer and a very experienced sea kayaker. His photography lends us a unique and insight into Tasmania’s georgous marine landscape. Continue reading

Posted in Spinning | 2 Comments


I’m making progress with my piece for the journal project which needs to be posted early next week. Although I forgot to email the next participant for their snail mail adress until today. I hope she gets my email soon or we could get behind.

I was very late in sending off my next entry for the Amulet Challenge which was organised by Becky. I had lots of trouble with my first concept, so I settled on this idea. You can see a bit of Becky’s piece in the photo.

I’ve already put my muslin manipulation idea into practice on the little bag as you can probably see.

I’ve been making progress on the Wave and Shell Scarf too. The couch wasn’t the best background for this photo, but I like the way you can see the colour changes clearly, even if the lace doesn’t show too well.

Continue reading

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