Daily Archives: July 5, 2005

Yarn, Journal and a Knitting Decision

I was spinning and plying the second skein of this yarn whist trying to think of the Best Advice I Ever Got…. for the journal project conceived by Penelope Dullaghan… I received it in the mail today.

The work so far in the journal is great. I’m a little intimidated. But I’ve decided to keep it simple so I don’t get overwhelmed.

And thanks to Moze and Spaaz for the very welcome advice regarding the scarf. The decision is…. I’ll knit on regardless… I can handle it. Really.

The new Knitty is out. Yay!!

Wow, how’s that for a link-o-rific blog post. Riscy tells me I should put more links in ’cause that will make me a better prospect with google or something. But I don’t give a toss about that. Me and my three readers are happy over here in our corner of netdom, so there 😛

I won’t blog about the issues brewing between the people next door and us. But I will say that if you illegally build extensions to your house and they are an eyesore to your neighbour, then, duh!! They’re gonna call the council on your arse. Continue reading

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