Daily Archives: May 6, 2005

A quilter I REALLY like

Since my sewing machine is out of action and I’m still spinning the silk so there are no interesting photos, I thought I’d give a link to one of my favourite quilters: Shawn Quinlan, his Jesus quilts are fantastic, his fear quilts are particularly powerful.

On another note. I was watching a documentary about Ghana last night on SBS. Some villagers were shopping for a new ceremonial chair for their chief, all the chairs had different symbols and my favourite was a bird looking backwards. This symbolised that you mustn’t forget where you have come from.

Last night I drew three birds in my little journal, none are quite to my liking yet, but I think I’m onto something.

I also saw a documentary about a guy who decided to enter a painting in the Archibald Portrait Prize, I was interested to see the agony and self doubt this guy went through and was very impressed at the number of self portraits he produced. Some were very good. The one he chose to enter was very different from the others he did and it wasn’t chosen to be hung.

Anyway, it’s sort of given me some thoughts to mull over, rather than just sitting here in agony, not producing stuff because I’m halfway convinced that I’m just a posure (I’ve tried a million spellings of this and it still doesn’t look right), I should at least be in agony AND producing work.

I am so relieved it’s the last day of the working week. Yesterday was totally crappy. I sat in a meeting all day and really could have been doing something useful. I’m taking the ipod in today, listening to headphones helps me concentrate much better at work. We’re in an open plan office and I get distracted easy. The only down side to this is that now I supervise people I want to be available for questions/discussions etc… sort of defeats the purpose when you can’t hear when people are talking to you LOL. Continue reading

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