Daily Archives: May 1, 2005

Quilting on the Downturn

Well, another week has gone by and I have failed to do any quilting. I don’t know why I’ve got this block, but I suspect it may have something to do with my spinning and knitting. Neither require much thinking really. Whereas my quilting is very brain heavy.

When I was in high school, I read billions of romance novels, I knew I loved reading, but wondered why I had trouble getting through the set novels for English class. My teacher told me that romance novels were like chocolate and serious novels were like orange juice. Orange juice is great, but not right after chocolate.

I think this is what is happening with the spinning (chocolate) / Quilting (OJ) thing.

I’ve also had a series of hectic weeks, but I suspect things will be a lot quieter this month in the lead up to our trip to Fiji.

Whilst I’ve been in this lul, I’ve been thinking about future projects and directions for my art adventures.

Thanks for the comments about my hand dyed wool. I am not an expert at this and I don’t know if I did it the best way but I’m happy with the results. It went something like this:

– Soak the wool in water for an hour or so (next time I might try a water and vinegar solution)
– Dissolve a teaspoon of landscape dye powder in hot water and then mix some vinegar in with the solution (this was recommended to me but it doesn’t mention vinegar on the dye packet).
– Lay the wool out on a length of cling wrap.
– Pour the dye/vinegar solution onto the wool
– wrap the wool up in the cling wrap and smoosh around to distribute the dye.
– Put on the microwave on high (900W) for 6 minutes then on low (300W)for six minutes.
– done.

I spun up the blue yesterday and it looks very pretty. I had no problems due to the slight felting.
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