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Daily Archives: April 26, 2005
Opera, Art, Parades and a Little Bit of Footy
I’m back from Melbourne. We had a wonderful weekend, the highlight for me being the Opera and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image.
The opera was packed out. We saw Opera Australia’s production of The Magic Flute by Mozart. I thought I wouldn’t know much of the music, but actually I knew heaps of it, probably from the film Amadeus. I kept on singing Papageno and the Queen of the Night aria on the tram afterwards.
The next day we caught the Bill Henson Exhibition at the Ian Potter Centre at Federation Square. WOW, some of it was pretty confronting, but WOW!!! We also caught the Top Arts show of work from students who completed yr 12 Art and Studio Art in 2004.
On the southbank promenade there was an art/craft market. Riscy and I call these things ‘crappe craft’. Most if the stuff if pure junk. Whenever I show my stuff to people they invariably tell me I could go to craft markets and sell it. NO NO NO!!! If I was looking for a way to kill my creativity stone dead, that would be a sure way of doing it.
Yesterday I was woken up by bagpipes at 5am. Yes it was ANZAC Day. We ended up catching a few hours of the big Melbourne parade. We were nicely positioned on the corner of Flinders Street and Swanston Street right in the thick of things. It was difficult to get good action shots, and this really was the best we could do:
I usually can’t watch the parade on telly as it makes me cry, yesterday was no exception. It’s just something about those old blokes … and even worse, the ones where the family member marches with the photo and medals of their dead relative. It just sets me off.
My Pop is 91 and still kicking. He went to Papua New Guinea and the Middle East in WW2. He never marches in the parade or talks about the war, I don’t think he likes the RSL. I wish he could live forever.
This was the best photo I took, this is the leader of a pipe band:
After the parade we headed to the Melbourne Cricket Ground for the big Footy match. The Bombers beat The Magpies, it was a poor display of ball skills and a very scrappy game. However, this was expected given the poor perfomance of both teams so far this season.
We were as far away from the action you can get. About three rows from the top of the Great Southern Stand
In fibre news (congratulations if you got this far!), I’ve got heaps knitted on the orangy scarf. I’m going to have enough wool for a matching beanie!!
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