Daily Archives: March 21, 2005

Big Head Beret – FINISHED!

It’s pretty hard to look normal when trying to take a photo of the hat on your head… I’m afraid this was the best one. I had to do some major cropping too, otherwise you would have copped an unfortunate eyeful of my cleavage.

This is my first NON SCARF since my uni days. I had to learn stuff like increasing using the ‘Knit into the front and back of one stitch’ method, abbreviated KFB. HUH? that name makes things totally confusing… Luckily I have a trusty book on how to knit.

I’m off on a junket to Lakes Entrance tommorow. I’ll probably post again on Thursday (if I have anything interesting to say LOL) Continue reading

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Creativity Gone Awry

My creativity has lost focus. Not terribly suprising since I have recently taken up spinning and knitting and Linocut and drawing in addition to my interests in making art quilts and photography.

So this is what I did on the weekend (apart from a pleasant BBQ with friends, clothes shopping and doing a tour of the paper mill where Riscy works).

I tried to clean my sewing room but made this spectacular version of a crappe craft YUK!

I’m going to put creatures in the ‘rays’ around the sun. They are derived from aboriginal animal motifs

The Beret has been restarted, this is what it looks like close up

Things I was meant to do this weekend included making a handbag for the swap with Sophie, Clean my sewing room and PUTING THE WASHING AWAY!!!
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