Daily Archives: February 2, 2005

Smoked Out

I got back to my sewing machine. It seems like forever (well it has been over a week!)

I previously posted that I love to draw pears… when I can’t think of anything to draw (most of the time) I draw a pear. Tonight I drew eight… on my sewing machine.

I’m going to connect them all together into with my hand spun wool and they will be a concertina book… like the one I’ve been talking about for the Straight and Narrow Challenge on the QuiltArt list.

In fact this may BE my peice for the S&N challenge, as my childhood memory idea isn’t working for me at the moment.

I was inspired by June Underwood’s burned edge post the other week, so I tried it out on my little pieces. I breathed in a lot of smoke and now my throat is feeling scratchy, so next time I will do it outside. I’m pretty happy with the results but the edges are quite fragile which means they wont make a durable book.

On the spinning side of things. I’ve finished one spool. I tried to spin some merino, but it sucked (as I was told it would), so I’m going to leave it until I’m more experienced, that’s if I don’t felt it first LOL. Continue reading

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