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Yep. I made these shoes
Well, the Geelong Forum was a success. I had a lot of fun, spent a fortune at the traders stalls and … designed and made these shoes!
The amazing tutors were Marlene Kranz and David Scanlon – they worked incredibly hard and with good humour (even in the face of an outbreak of a yucky bug which hit some of the participants AND their assistant Margie). I particularly liked that we were set loose on our own designs which meant that we all ended up with totally different shoes at the end of the week. Just in case you wondered, the silver leather – is leather 🙂
My shoes are very comfortable and I have worn them dancing (I’m a foot stomping head banger so the shoes – and my neck are rigorously tested) and out to a gallery opening (standing around is harder on the feet I reckon) – with pleasure.
Talking about pleasure, I’ve just spent some time going through Marlene’s website (linked above) – It is one of the best artists websites I have seen.
If you have a burning desire to make a pair of shoes for yourself, then keep in mind the workshops held by Marlene and David – Shoe Topia.
Posted in Paper
While I was away from this blog I started a visual journal: it was to be a non-precious place for ideas, collage, painting and sketching.
Posted in Books
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From Pigsty to Heaven
As promised in my previous post. I have taken some before and after shots of my workroom:
The Pigsty:
Posted in Drawing