I think this bit of lace knitting will satisfy most of my knitting urges for a while but this pattern has really taken my fancy. I like that it is substantial but lacy… it looks like it would be fun to knit.
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I think this bit of lace knitting will satisfy most of my knitting urges for a while but this pattern has really taken my fancy. I like that it is substantial but lacy… it looks like it would be fun to knit.
Mr Darcy has proposed to, and been soundly rejected by, Elizabeth. Mr Darcy has responded to all charges of wrongdoing which Elizabeth threw at him. It is clear to see that errors have been made by both parties…
My copy of Pride and Prejudice was published in 1961 and I think the cover art is ace! The price was 50c, as printed on the front cover. I paid $2.50 for it in 2002 at a fabulous second hand book shop in Benalla in North East Victoria.
I had one of my regular checkups at the doctor yesterday. All seems to be going well. It was great to hear the little heart beat to reassure me that the baby is still in there.
I really don’t feel or look pregnant at the moment, I’m sure it will feel very real soon enough. We are visiting the maternity ward for the first time this week and on Monday we have the big ultrasound. All very exciting!
Today marks a big change for us. I’ve quit my job and this coming week is my first at home.
I’m looking forward to having some time to myself to be creative, relax and generally chill out.
We are fortunate that we are in a position to make this happen. Last week we passed an important milestone, and we now have enough savings to offset our home loan. We are now effectively debt free 🙂
So what is my first creative act? I’m thinking I’ll finish off that Peacock feathers shawl.
Friends. I’m pregnant!!!!!! 11weeks.
Chris and I are very excited. It was just a little bit suprising because, though I had my Implanon out in April, we truely believed that I wasn’t pregnant. Just know that if you haven’t had your period for three months, that doesn’t mean you can’t be 6 weeks pregnant… hmmm.
Unfortunately growing a baby has knocked me about and all I have been doing in my spare time is mooching about, watching TV and sleeping. And trying to stave off so called ‘morning sickness’ … morning my arse!
Like today, I got up at about 6am walked the dog, had breakfast then went back to bed and slept for another 2 hours. I got up and ate left over canneloni and soup then I had another nap. The house is disgustingly dirty and I’m desperate for it to be clean… but not desperate enough to actually clean it. You should see the bathroom sink (I take that back, you REALLY dont want to see it)
Actually, I have done a little bit of knitting, but it isn’t blogworthy. It’s lace and you know how lace just looks like a blob until it’s finished. Its my second attempt at the Peacock Feathers Shawl, and when I’m feeling ok, it is a lot of fun to knit!.
So, because I like to post with photos, above is a photo of a lino cut I did back in June. It prints up
really well and I can create a good all over pattern by rotating the
block as I print across the width of the fabric. I’ll try and get a good photo of it soon.
It was a lot of fun to photograph the pod. I set up a little ‘set’ on my desk next to a window and happily snaped away for ages. I have had a fair amount of difficulty photographing my work since we moved due to lack of good light in the flat, so I’m pretty chuffed that I’ve found an OK solution.
Today is a public holiday here, Picnic Day. We didn’t get to have a picnic though, Chris was called into work and I had a nap – two dinner parties, two nights in a row and maybe just a little too much to drink finally caught up with me.
Ok, after a little bit of angst, I present here a photo of myself wearing The Dress.
I used New Look pattern No. 6774 and modifications to acommodate my bust. I have no experience with dressmaking (apart from 4yrs of Home Ec in high school), but it seems to be ok, though the shoulders are slightly too wide and the skirt part is a little too generous.
I’d still be stuck on the bodice without the help of Chris’ mum, Bev, who patiently pinned up seams and hem for me 🙂
I purchsed the fabric from the Darwin Spotlight Store (big fabric chain store in Australia) This outlet had a huge range of 100% cotton dressmaking fabrics. I’ll definitely be going back!
I’ve got enough fabric for another 3 dresses…. plus 3m of a georgous seersucker, destination unknown.
And Mein, I tried some paper mache!! I’ll post about that later in the week 🙂
Recently I used these
I had a hankering after some secondary colours! Orange, green and purple YAY!
The last week I’ve been terribly sick with the flu and my spirits have been very low, with lack of sleep and tears and various trials and tribulations at work. But I’m starting to feel better now and things are looking brighter.