Daily Archives: March 11, 2011


Well this is what I’ve been working on for the last few months:


If you sort of squint your eyes you can see what might or might not be a baby’s head!  This is the best scan photo they got… the rest of the pictures indicate that I could be incubating a miniature Darth Vader.

Anyway, so yes, we are expecting another baby 🙂  due mid September.

We’re nearing the end of the first trimester thank goodness.  I’ve been suffering from the usual tiredness, nausea and general lack of motivation that comes with early pregnancy. 

This might explain the lack of any posts here as I’ve been doing nothing but laying on the couch moaning, ordering Chris around and putting endless episodes of Chuggington on the TV to keep Jasper amused.

Though he’s going ‘cold turkey’ next week as our TV will be having a holiday at the repair place.

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