Daily Archives: October 12, 2009


Today I had FOUR (4!) parcels waiting for me at the post office.

One  cute little package contained Renilde de Peuter‘s georgous pincushion all the way from Belgium. The $AU – EURO exchange rate is a killer, but I’m glad I’ve now got it in my hot little hands.  It was immediately pressed into service.

A Miriam Bereson yearly planner to stick on our fridge (photo from her website).  I love yearly planners, I couldn’t live without them when I was in the thick of engineering project work.  This one is prettier than any I ever used in my office!

Jasper received a suprise from Grandma… A BOOK!  ‘Where is the Green Sheep’, by Mem Fox, which I read to him as soon as we got home.  He loves to join in when we are reading, so it was a pretty noisy affair.

And finally, an envelope from Tessuti with some sewing goodies.  To be blogged about later……

I’ll leave you with a progress shot of the Yellow Triangles.

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