Monthly Archives: April 2009

Thinking about Yellow and White


Our baby is due in just over 4 weeks, which means I only have 2 more weeks before I leave home to wait for his arrival. Excitement and nervousness is building, but I’ve also been very lazy and haven’t packed a single thing.  I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’m not caught out.

I’m thinking and moving very slowly at this stage.  Probably a combination of hormones, lack of sleep and the physical reality of growing a baby.

So the yellow and white quilt hasn’t progressed much and in reality it may not be completed before I go, it just depends on how I feel in the coming week.  But I have sketched out a few ideas and browsed through my yellow fabrics.  

I had initally dismissed this fabric as ‘too orangey’, But it really is a beautiful colour and I think it’s strong enough to provide a striking combination with the white.  So this is where I’m headed at the moment.

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