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Daily Archives: October 17, 2007
News Flash

Riscy and I will be moving to Nhulunbuy in the Northern Territory in 6 weeks time.
Nhulunbuy is a town located on the Gove Peninsula where the main industry is bauxite mining and alumina smelting. We’ll both be working for the mining company but in different areas Chris will be in the smelter and I wil be managing the housing improvement project in Nhulunbuy.
I am very excited about the move. We will be right on the coast and will have lots of opportunities for camping and getting out onto the water. Though I am starting to become concerned about crocodiles and I think we should hook up with some local paddlers before even thinking about getting into our kayak.
From what I have read, it is about 8-10 hours drive to the next town, Katherine, when the road is open during the dry season (I don’t see us making this trip very often!!). Qantas flys in a couple of times a day, so it would be possible to go to Darwin or Cairns fairly easily when required but I think this will only be 2-3 times a year so we are thinking very carefully about what we need to take with us.
We’ll be living in a little two bedroom flat and Reuben our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel will come with us. But I need to find a new family for Lucy, my cat of 10 years. Who is currently sitting between my arms as I type.
Happily, we will be able to get broadband internet up there, so I can continue to blog.
Anyway, I took the photo above today. I noticed this lovely californian poppy had popped up in a particularly weedy part of our garden. Such a lovely soft yellow on the inside and a dusky pink on the outside.
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