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Daily Archives: August 9, 2007
Little Grey Paintings

My workroom is cleaned and I have done three little paintings (15x15cm). I’m a sucker for cute little things and these tiny stretched canvases jumped right into my hands when I dropped by a local art supply shop (when I say local…I mean the next town over, but it sure beats mail ordering these things!).
The other two are pretty much the same as the one above. I’ve been trying to photograph them together all week, but the light hasn’t been good enough or my photos have been tragically wonky and definitely NOT blog worthy.
I also mucked around printing paint onto some fabric using a piece of found plastic as a stamp. I’m definitely going to explore this direction more as I love the immediate results and the element of play (which has been sorely missing in my recent textile work, I reckon.)

The swirly quilting wasn’t a good idea, the swirls just didn’t work in the little nooks and crannys and I think it distracts from the printed shapes and the composition… which I really like. But, these little quilts are all about experimentation, so failure is allowed (sometimes LOL).
I have come across two more wonderful and inspiring blogs this week:
Desire to Inspire: Do you love browsing interior decoration magazines? I do too 🙂 This blog is a real treasure featuring all sorts of interior design photography, and has kept me drooling all week long.
Caroline Paintings Journal: The blog of Caroline Havers. Her large sparrow paintings grabbed my attention as sparrows are one of my most favourite birds, they are so hoppy and so friendly and bold. I like that Carolines paintings combine these bird images with a elements which scream ‘urban’ to me. Because sparrows are the most urban of birds.
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