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Daily Archives: March 26, 2006
And a quilting we shall go
It is hard to say how much more quilting I have to do on the Dredger Quilt, perhaps 1/4 maybe less. It depends how much quilting I do in the trusses.
This is where I was at last night. I wanted to incorporate text and I went with the obvious… but perhaps
in a years time, not so obvious.
Last night Riscy and I went to a perfomance which took place on the dredger. It was staged as part of the Commonwealth Games celebrations. The dredger was a very dramatic setting as you can imagine, especially with images projected onto such a huge machine and aerial performers leaping about the place.
It was an impressive community event, however Riscy summed up my feelings very well when he said it was designed to appeal to the very young and the elderly. It felt a little bit like an oversized school production where all the grades have to perform and the production lacked a little bit of cohesiveness and perhaps even quality control… however as a participation event, wonderful.

day… This time with a blending thread and a bit less dense. I’ve
covered about a quarter of the background with this, so there is no
going back!
This weekend I also joined ARC Yinnar. I am interested to see how this works out. As well as providing good workshop facilities so I can continue to dye after the kitchen renovation, I hope that face to face contact with other creative people will be fun and motivating.
One interesting aspect that I think I’ll have to deal with is showing my work in public, ARC has a gallery and lots of group shows. I know that sounds funny, considering I show photos here on my blog all the time, but I still feel a bit intimidated.
I have also been spinning, picking through a fleece and washing wool today whilst watching the final events of the Commonwealth Games, this was the only day of the Games that I watched though, so I didn’t feel too bad about being sucked into watching the cycling and netball.
Posted in Knitting
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