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Daily Archives: March 19, 2006
When only stippling will do

This photo doesn’t show my quilting very well, but I decided to use medium stipple as a background for the branches. I will outline the branches in a darker colour and I will probably also outline the river (which is totally lost in this photo), so they stand out more.
I decided I want the branches to stand out in the circle of the river, so I choose to use a very light thread which blended into the fabric.
What I love about stippling is the wonderful texture that appears on the surface of the quilt. It is almost impossible to capture with flash photography.
I’ll take some decent, natural light photos at some stage.
NOW…. I owe huge apologies to people who have tried to leave anonymous comments on my blog, I realised this morning that my anti-spam software has been deleting them. Riscy is going to upgrade the software so the problem will hopefully be fixed soon.
Comments by people who fill in all the fields seem to be showing up, so don’t stop commenting.
I have been responding to comments in the comments section rather than emailling the commenter back. I’m a bit unsure of the protocol though. I seldom check back to comments I’ve left on other sites… I’m thinking emailling is a better way, but then dialog is lost from my blog. Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.
Other activities this weekend can be summed up as follows:
Appliance shopping in Melbourne, knitting, hand carding some wool, blog maintenance, bike ride, appliance shopping in Traralgon, paper mache(!!), new blog banner, quilting, blogging.
And now sleep. Continue reading
Posted in Knitting
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