Daily Archives: March 16, 2006

The Dreaded Dredger

Dredger - Purple Quilting

Not the effect I was looking for. I found this quilting too dense and it distracted attention away from the branches.

Dredger - Purple Quilting Undone

So I spent a good hour unpicking.

Next Quilting Move:

I’m going to try outlining the branches in dark brown and then quiling ‘scudding’ clouds behind the branches, nothing too dense. This is a large quilt and I want to finish it this lifetime!

Renovation News:

We met a potential builder today and realised that our life will be a mess for a couple of months starting May. Today someone at work told me that renovating was right up there with ‘death in the family’ for stressful experiences. Great!

Sinus News:

I’ve been suffering in the sinuses. Yesterday we were scoping works on a particularly windy mountainous road and in addition to the usual car sickness, my head was getting stuffier and stuffier and my ears felt blocked.

So I tried to unblock my ears by holding my nose and gently blowing. But stuff bubbled out of my right eye… my EYE!!

Euwww!!! But to make matters worst I woke up this morning and that eye was all puffy underneath, so I had to go to work looking ugly. Boo Hoo.

I give now give up all resistance to taking drugs for this stuff, even if the tablets taste icky. Continue reading

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