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Daily Archives: February 27, 2006
A Quilting Quandry
Just a bit of eye candy because the rest is just words (except for the neat workroom shot at the bottom of the post)

This vine scrambles and hangs off our ugly side fence, it is evergreen but looks its best during summer when the white trumpet flowers bloom.
Now, on to QUILTING
How am I going to quilt the beast? I want the quilting to form a simple, secondary pattern in the background, most probably a large circular area intersecting with another circular area. The quilting on the dark trusses will be linear. I may introduce some colour like I did on the proto-type quilt.
edited to add (a few hours after posting the above): Circular areas will not work. No quilting tonight, more thought required!!
I will quilt and embroider the quilt before the backing fabric goes on. I am not interested in how the stitching looks from the back and it is far neater to cover it all with backing fabric. I think some purists may have a problem with this, but as I have no current intentions to enter my work in quilt specific shows I figure it doesn’t matter what I do with the back as long as it doesn’t affect the appearance of the front.
I also prefer to use a special thin bobbin thread rather than cotton in the bobbin. This reduces bulk at the back for heavily embroidered sections and I can fit more of this stuff onto a bobbin which means less bobbin changes (we all know how annoying it is when the bobbin runs out when you are in the middle of some intricate linework!).
A Link or Two.
Check out Melanie Testa’s new quilt. I love just about every thing on this quilt, especially the colour and the texture created with her quilting
This is a link to the Indonesian Textile exhibition I saw at the Latrobe Regional Gallery yesterday: Speaking with Cloth | Cerita Dalam Kain I was going to blog about it, but sort of lost my thoughts on the matter. I was interested in the animal symbology used and the ceremonial importance of cloth the how the cloths are used for identification of clan alliance. I bought the cataloge so I’ll go back over it when I have a chance.
If you haven’t already, check out Dijanne’s Middle East photos. She is having quite an adventure.
I also want to mention the website of Omega. Real thoughtful and interesting commentary about art in general her own art practice. Omega always has some interesting links to share. I need to link to it on my blogroll because I currently get to her blog via Dijannes blog.
NOW, my farewell for the evening is a photo of my ‘still’ clean workroom. normally it would have degenerated into a messy hell by now, but I took five minutes last night (after I fused the top to the batting) to tidy up… revolutionary!