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Daily Archives: February 20, 2006
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Fabric dyed. I’ll use two of theses pieces for the Dredger quilt. The gusty breeze made this shot fun to take.
I will need to overdye the dark value fabric as I really wanted a blacky colour not the denim blue I ended up with. Some of the lights are quite nice though, really subtle and mottled.
Last week I was excited to receive an email from Fulvia Luciano. Fulvia had come across my blog and noticed that we have lots of common interests including kayaking(!), wool and most importantly Art Quilts!!
I was intrigued because I remembered her name from my days on the QuiltArt list. When I clicked onto her website, her quilts were instantly familiar to me. I love her work for combining imagery, line and colour in wonderful complex layers.
These are two of my favourites Haiku II and Illustration 3 Although it is hard to choose just two to link to, so if you can, set aside some time to browse through all her galleries.
We are going to see Syriana tonight. Mmmm George Cloony in a beard, yeah!! I’m just hoping it doesn’t make me too angry (as most things involving the US and the Middle East do), I’m verging on the edge of sick with a scratcy throat and slight nausea (I took this afternoon off work), and getting worked up about this stuff probably wont do me any good.
But before I go, I thought I’d post another rose photo I took this afternoon:
Posted in Spinning
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