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Daily Archives: November 5, 2005
Busy Saturday
Today was beautiful. The sun was out, and it was a great day to spend in the garden catching up on all that weeding. Riscy mowed and I commented that the garden REALLY did look brilliant.
Then the back neighbour came over and wanted to start replacing the back fence today!! which meant that I had to trim all my plants well back from the fence. I mangaged to save everything, but it doesn’t look as good… not by a long shot.
Riscy and Reuben enjoyed the whole thing, I’m a little dubious about the shed which the neighbour is building right up to the fence. He is going to paint it and put lattice up, so it will at least form a base for my climbing roses… That’s a positive.
Reuben got to meet the dog from beyond;
I weeded and weeded and weeded and kept the little boy from next door amused by helping him dig holes and making him smell flowers. This was also blooming
In addition, I went on a mission this morning to find balsa wood. I had never actually worked with it before and I’m rather hooked, it cuts sooo easily.
My test piece didn’t work too well, but I have a few ideas which may sort out the technical difficulties.
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Posted in Spinning