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Daily Archives: February 7, 2005
Drum Roll Please
I present here my first ever bona fide hand spun yarn.
My first hand spun yarn! Dark brown Corridale from Jumbuck Wools in Bairnsdale and dyed Ashford Corridale from Benambra Blue in Omeo. An East Gippsland Yarn!
I’m pretty impressed with myself and I’m engergised to do a heap more spinning now that I have seen the finished product. Bev thinks I will end up with enough yarn to make a beanie. The question is… are my knitting skills up to the challenge?! It has been 8 years since I knitted with a pattern.
I’m headed back to East Gippsland tommorrow so I plan on dropping back into Jumbuck Wools… I might even get some dyes (or is this the slippery slope??).
As thanks to Bev who has devoted two nights to my spinning education I have offered to make her a knitting bag. She sounded pleased with the idea.
If you read the original version of this blog you will remember that I planned to start a little production of bags made with my hand dyed fabrics and there was a shop interested in selling knitting bags… well I’ve done nothing towards this goal. So this week I will make my FIRST real knitting bag with pockets, perhaps this will be the start of something.
I will photograph the bag and send it to the shop lady and see if she is still interested.
How’s that for a plan!
Posted in Linocut